Monday 12 May 2014

Moment in Time...

Read some of the amazing stories written by students in Room 23!

'The Incredible Movie Time'
By Z.D

Kapow! The movie starts, I can hear bird tweeting. Suddenly a blue Macaw show up. When i eat my ice-cream I can taste the wonderful taste of banana. When I ate my popcorn everytime I put it in my mouth my teeth crunched the popcorn into little tiny bits of popcorn and I could taste the wonderful molecules that are in the popcorn.

'The Candy Man'
By E.S

I walked into the hall...mmmm...the smell of lolly pops squeezed tightly through my nostrils. It felt like I was surrounded by rainbow lollipops. The candy man flipped and rolled the boiling hot lollipop mixture on a heavy, rock hard metal table. He flavoured and coloured it and gave us a bit to shape into magical shapes. We had to 2 of each flavour. The flavours were strawberry and watermelon.

'Bay Wave'
By E.K

Splash!! Splosh!! Splish!! Kids were skimming about all over the pool like a dog that has just discovered that the whole world is made of doggy treats. I started to runto the pool, I jumped in. I was soaring under the water like a penguin who is trying to catch a fish. Suddenly I crossed against the back of the pool. The waves were starting up...CRASH!! I bumped against the back of the poolagain. I hit it a few more times. Then I was underwater, I could not breath. I swam to the surface but the waves were crashing against me. I ran out of the pool like a person who had just found out that there was a shark in the swimming pool. But it is all over now, I'm so glad of that.


  1. Excellent stories.SJ room22

  2. Cool story`s i love them!!!! THE BEST EVER !!!

  3. To Z.D,ES and E.K did very, very well in there writing recounts.Well done guys!! CW

  4. Love the amazing writing!! H.W

  5. You know what Z.D's story is about, because he said I can hear birds tweeting. S.D room23.

  6. I realy like some words you used.Ns rm21

  7. I love all of your stories. TW RM21

  8. nice stories room 23 LN room 17

  9. What about me M.R

  10. Great stories fun to read LA rm21

  11. I like how you explained how the movie started.CN Rm17

  12. I really like E.S and E.K story's K.K

  13. Super duper good stories RM 23. TT room 23

  14. Some really fantastic stories!!! MR

  15. I can not choose which one I like best. SD rm 23

  16. your work is pro!!!!!!!!!!!! LG

  17. incredibly awesome work!!!!!!! LG

  18. some people used descritive words E.S

  19. I really like Bay wave by EK! LG

  20. great writing everyone! LG

  21. Incredible peices of writing! LG
